Deflexional License Manager

Protection and licensing for compiled COMSOL® Apps

Need a solution to protect your compiled stand-alone COMSOL®Apps? The Deflexional License Manager offers a powerful, easy-to-use solution for COMSOL App developers, enabling seamless integration of licensing features into your applications.

Key Benefits
Generate custom license keys for users
Protect COMSOL Apps by locking license keys to a MAC address
Offer flexible license options: time-limited, trial, or paid versions
Store license keys securely in the cloud or download local copies
Validate license keys directly within a COMSOL App
Access detailed setup instructions and example files
Test all features at no cost with a free account

How Does it Work?


  • COMSOL® App
    A stand-alone application built using COMSOL Multiphysics® and COMSOL Compiler™
  • App Developer
    The user of COMSOL Multiphysics who develops and compiles the COMSOL Apps
  • End-user
    The individual utilizing the compiled COMSOL App
  • Deflexional License Manager
    The platform, where App Developers create and manage license keys for End-users


The End-user shares the MAC address of the computer where the COMSOL App will be used with the App Developer.

The App Developer logs into the Deflexional License Manager platform and enters the required details to generate a license key.

Using a secret key and the End-user's details, the Deflexional License Manager generates license keys.

The App Developer sends the license key to the End-user.

The End-user inputs the license key into the COMSOL App to unlock access, and the COMSOL App then verifies the validity of the license key.

The workflow

Integration with COMSOL Apps

The Introduction documentation and Getting Started guide offer comprehensive instructions to help you get started. In brief, an App Framework is created, which contains the essential data needed to integrate the Deflexional License Manager with a COMSOL App. Once the framework is in place, you can immediately begin generating license keys.

For first-time users of the Deflexional License Manager, the following steps are recommended:

Create a new App Framework

Log in to the Deflexional License Manager and click Create App Framework in the left-hand menu. Fill in the required details and submit the form to complete the setup.

Create App Framework

Create License Keys

Once your app framework is set up, you can start generating license keys for your applications.

Create License Keys

Get the License Key

Try the License Keys Test App

Download a ready-to-use COMSOL Multiphysics file that allows you to test the license keys you’ve created. This file showcases all the features of the Deflexional License Manager and includes the essential code to guide you through the integration process. Experiment with the generated license keys and see how they work in action.

License Key Test App

Explore the Example App
Download the Heat Transfer Process Analyzer Example App to see how the Deflexional License Manager operates in practice. This app demonstrates the validation of license keys and how app functionality is restricted when a key is invalid. Additionally, it highlights how trial licenses can limit specific features within a COMSOL App, offering a hands-on example of effective license management.

Heat Transfer Process Analyzer App

Integrate the App Framework into your COMSOL Apps
Once you're familiar with the examples above, you're ready to integrate the Deflexional License Manager into your existing COMSOL Apps. Start by downloading the License Manager JAR file.
  • The License Manager JAR file provides methods to decrypt license keys.
  • Open your model in COMSOL Multiphysics and navigate to the Application Builder.
  • In the Application Builder, right-click on the Libraries node and select External JAVA Library.
  • In the Import Library section, click Browse and select the JAR file you downloaded
Once the External Java Library has been imported, you’ll have access to several useful methods in the LicenseManager class.

License Manager JAR file

The following code snippet demonstrates how to use the LicenseManager class within the Application Builder to validate a user-entered license key.

Example Code

public class licenseIsValid extends ApplicationMethod {
    public void execute() {

        * Checks if the given license key is valid and if it can be decrypted.
        * This does not include checks for matching MAC address and license expiration.
        * The global string licenseKey is the license key entered by the user.
        * The global string keys.appFrameworkSecretKey is the secret key for the specific app.
        * Sets the boolean isLicenseKeyValid to true if the license key is correct.
        * If the license key is not validated, and warning message is sent to the user.
        boolean isLicenseKeyValid = LicenseManager.isValid(licenseKey, keys.appFrameworkSecretKey);
        if (!isLicenseKeyValid) {
            alert("The license key cannot be validated. Please enter a new license key.", "Warning");


We offer two straightforward options: a Free account and a Professional account. Start with the Free account to explore all the features, and when you're ready, upgrading to the Professional account is quick and effortless.



Generate license keys
Bind keys to MAC addresses
Set expiration dates for keys
Create trial or paid versions
Secure cloud storage for keys
Validate keys in COMSOL Apps
Access integration JAR-file
Instructions and example files

Internal testing use only
No custom secret key



Generate license keys
Bind keys to MAC addresses
Set expiration dates for keys
Create trial or paid versions
Secure cloud storage for keys
Validate keys in COMSOL Apps
Access integration JAR-file
Instructions and example files

Professional use
Unlimited secret keys


Deflexional is a COMSOL Certified Consultant

Need assistance improving your COMSOL Apps or integrating the Deflexional License Manager? We’re here to help!

Having created hundreds of COMSOL apps, including some used by thousands of users, our expertise at Deflexional can significantly enhance your project. Services are offered on an hourly basis, with rates depending on the size and scope of the work.

Our process begins by understanding your unique needs and determining how we can best support you. To start, we recommend a brief web meeting to discuss your requirements and provide an initial overview of how we can contribute to your project.

  Book a web meeting

Get Access

Sign up today or log in to start using the Deflexional License Manager.
Creating an account and exploring all features is completely free.